Error -- "Cannot remove folder XXXXX: The directory is not empty."A web-search on the error message yielded this Technipages answer (but read my comments below before trying this): When trying to delete folder, you may get the error message: “Cannot Delete [foldername]: The directory is not empty”. Follow these steps to solve this problem. This is a good start, but is not the complete solution for a plug-in USB stick-- as it turns out, the command above is indeed running a CHKDSK, but on your C: drive. Doesn't hurt but totally doesn't help this particular case either. The complete set of CHKDSK command-suffixes is given by Wikipedia. As it turns out, the command you actually want to run for a USB stick is:
chkdsk f: /f
Following the Technipages steps above, but using the command chkdsk f: /f at the OPEN
"The type of the file system is FAT. I said 'Y'. CHKDSK continued:
"File and folder verification is complete. I said 'Y'. CHKDSK finished and the DOS window closed.
Now looking at the root of the USB stick in Windows Explorer, there were two new items: I was then able to delete both the 32KB file and the faded folder without apparent incident. Hopefully this will do it for you too. |